10 Tips The Division Doesn’t Tell You

9. Ambush Enemies Using Animals

Ambush Enemies Using Animals

You may feel little guilty using this tip but answer one question; who will save the world from thugs, rioters or ex-cons? Dogs, Pigeon? Of course not, so you should not worry about them in this game. But they can do other things and can be very useful in luring enemies. If you want to break an enemy group without exposing your whereabouts you can use these animals.

In The Division, streets are brimming with dogs and crawling vermin, and if you manage to kill one close enough to an enemy, well of course with suppressed weapons, you will lure them off. And they will start investigating, since enemy types are a big deal in the game, you can use this tip to encourage more dangerous enemies into places where you can easily target them before setting about eliminating the rest of the group.

It is especially useful against enemies who will rush and like a close fight, because you can easily pick them off before they have a chance to rush and charge you.