10 Tips The Division Doesn’t Tell You

6. Free Items At The Base Of Operations

Free Items At The Base Of Operations

Upgrading your base of operations in the game may be an afterthought for various players; even in first stages it still holds important restock box and gear vendors, these things will serve you well even if you do not spend time improving it past the story designated levels. It is really essential, however some of the smaller upgrades in the game have some really useful additions.

Aside from skill mods and additional perks that these upgrades can give you, you will also find free items with some of them. Some are fairly pointless in terms of agent’s effectiveness, such as Procurement Team upgrade that offers a new clothing item every two hours; though I must admit that I spent more time in making sure my Agent looked cool as well as being badass.

Upgrades such as Field Engineering, however will allow your agent to collect free crafting tools in Tech Wing every few hours, which means you do not have to look for them in the world. Given that the best weaponry and gear are crafted than bought and these crafting tools are a great bonus; if I had taken the time to read fine print of upgrades, earlier in the game I’d certainly have chosen the updates in different order.