No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship

No Man's Sky How to Repair Your Ship

No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship

The very start of No Man’s Sky is pretty unexpected; it simply drops you on an unknown planet, with a wreckage of small spacecraft. After a short intro, you are instructed to repair the ship and launch off into the skies. But what No Man’s Sky does not tell you is how you should repair your spacecraft and launch it into the space.

Don’t worry, in No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship guide we will guide you how to repair your ship, Launch Thrusters and refuel the Pulse Engines in No Man’s Sky. For this you just need to search for some resources and then repair your ship using those items.

No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship:

To repair your ship, first you need to mine some items. Both the Pulse Engine and Launch Thrusters need to be fixed and recharged, so you will have a pretty good list of stuffs to collect/mine. To repair the Pulse Engine you will need 200 Heridium, 2 Carite sheets, 20 Zinc and Thamium9 (for fuel). And to repair Launch Thrusters you’ll need 4 Carite sheets (each Carite sheets require 50 iron to craft) and Plutonium (for fueling/recharging).

No Man's Sky How to Repair Your Ship - Craft

No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship – Carite Sheets:

It is probably the easiest item to obtain, you will need 50 Iron/sheet. One thing to Remember that you will start with one Carite Sheet already in the inventory. Iron is highly abundant and most certainly appearing in cuboid, largish, dark objects jutting out of ground. It also appears frequently as clusters inside the subterranean caves. You will need 250 Iron to craft 5 Carite Sheets required. But I suggest mining a little more so that you have some extra to spend on maintenance or other upgrades.

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No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship – Plutonium:

The 2nd most abundant resource that you will find is Plutonium, alongside Carbon. Plutonium can easily be found from red, about human height formations that sprout from ground in a crystalline manner.

No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship – Thamium9:

Thamium9 can appear pretty rare. Depending on your lucky, it could take you from 30 seconds to 30 minutes to find one, but it is there. Thamium9 can be found from red, small plants with egg-like pods, and often you will find a place with several of these plants growing in a close proximity. You will not need too much Thamium9 to get off the surface of a planet, so don’t get too anxious about finding bag full of Thamium9.

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No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship – Zinc:

Same as Thamium, Zinc is pretty rare too and it can be found from harvesting; a small plant dotted around the planet. The plants will be small, yellowish in tone and flower-like to Thamium. Zinc is very important for the temperature management. It can stopping you from dying from overheating or freezing. So if you are unlucky to spawn in an unfavorable environment, you will need to collect a big amount of Zinc if you are planning to stay outside for longer periods.

No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship – Heridium:

It is Probably the rarest of all the required stuff for repairing the ship. Heridium is highly rare until you find singular towers that sprout out from ground. Appearing in dark-colored and large column, it may take you 10 – 20 minutes to find some, although the time will vary depending on your spawn location and planet. Fortunately, the large columns will provide you with abundant supply of Silicate element.

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No Man’s Sky How to Repair Your Ship:

After you collect all the necessary items, it is just a matter of crafting the required items as mentioned above and applying those crafted items onto your spacecraft. You will need to hop inside your spacecraft and then selecting a part that you’d like to repair. Craft Carite Sheets from Iron, for this, just select one of the grey-color cog icon where you’ve any spare space in your inventory, and here select an option ‘Craft Product’.

Gathering all the resources may take some time so we suggest that you should first fix your Scanner. The scanner will send a ping/pulse to your surrounding environment and then small icons will appear on your screen with all the nearby resources. You just need a handful of elements to repair your Scanner and all this can be done in your Multi-Tool inventory screen. Scanner will make all the above items easier to locate.