Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened Walkthrough

Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened Walkthrough

Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened Walkthrough

Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened is the latest DLC expansion pack for the game released on 29th March. In this Cold Darkness Awakened DLC, you will visit the Weapons research base located in the wilderness of Siberia. Something terrible happened during Cold War that breached this base and now mysterious affliction is transforming people into mindless and bloodthirsty killers.

Lara must face this increasingly dangerous challenge where she has to stand up against infected adversaries while crafting gears and scavenging for items on the fly, in kill or be killed scenario. Lara must fight for her life against this new enemy and complete all new challenges while discovering a solution to stop or perhaps reverse this impending  accident.

The Cold Darkness Awakened DLC also includes devastating Voidhammer shotgun, Ushanka outfit that damage taken from melee attacks and Cold Darkness Awakened Card Pack that is comprised of more than 15 new Expedition Cards.

Well that’s what you will get in this Cold Darkness Awakened expansion pack, now let’s head over to the Walkthrough section of this DLC. In this Walkthrough you will get complete gamepley of latest DLC in shape of video series. The walkthrough is created by jb10001110101, and I hope You will like it!

Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened Walkthrough – Part 1

Rise Of The Tomb Raider Cold Darkness Awakened Walkthrough – Part 2 – Ending