Fallout 4 Far Harbor Marine Wetsuit & Tactical Helmet

Fallout 4 Far Harbor Marine Wetsuit & Tactical Helmet

Fallout 4 Far Harbor Marine Wetsuit & Tactical Helmet

Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC has many new armor suits and weapons including some high level and powerful armor and weapons. In Fallout 4 Far Harbor Marine Wetsuit & Tactical Helmet we will help you find the Marine Wetsuit and the Tactical Helmet in Far Harbor DLC of Fallout 4. Aside from sleek design this Marine Wetsuit and Tactical Helmet has nothing to offer much but you can upgrade this suit.

Marine Wetsuit & Tactical Helmet can be found under water in a sealed shipment far off west coast of this island. Do not enter the putrid water if you do not have Rad-X or Radaway. Both items Tactical Helmet and Marine Wetsuit can be found in this sealed shipment at one place. If you do not want to find this you have the option to purchase Marine Wetsuit from the merchant Kane in Children of the Atom base.

See Also: Fallout 4 Far Harbor The Striker Weapon Location

Watch the below short video to know the exact location of Marine Wetsuit and Tactical Helmet. The below video is created by GosuNoob, I hopw you guys will enjoy it!