10 Worst PlayStation 4 Games So Far

1. Basement Crawl

10 Worst PlayStation 4 Games So Far - Basement Crawl

For those wondering what a half baked BomberMan will look like, look no further than this game. This indie game debuted on PlayStation 4 in 2014 to harsh reviews, and is a testament to a fact that even reasonably priced indie games an be terrible.

The game is just as distressing as its macabre art work would have you believe. After the bizarre setup that implies that there will be a story that connects everything together, the game presents you with only two modes online and local. There’s no alternative modes, no single player and no tutorial. Gameplay is very repetitive, lacks depth, confusing, and is full of flaws, while online mode is filled with technical issues that makes it hard to find other people to play with, that is if anyone were still playing the game.

The is unpolished from start to end, and with barely any substance to offer, the game is virtually worthless. Developer of the game Blooper Team has since announced that they will remake the game and offer for free to those who purchased the original game. Hopefully they will lean from mistakes, because as of now they are responsible for one of the worst games on PlayStation 4.

Which game do you feel the worst one for the PS4? Let us know in comments below!

Original Source: whatculture.com